Monday, May 12, 2008

Quote of the day...

"There is no such thing as bad weather, just poor clothing"
So, here's what would be about right to wear for today's ride, with the precipitation forecast from Intellicast below:  (Red is bad and does not show the wind forecast, which is also bad)

The Maryland State Patrol wisely determined that it would not be safe to allow the ride to continue, so we are going to be taken by bus from Annapolis into Washington D.C.  Although a lot of people are disappointed with not being able to complete the journey on two wheels, it's a very good decision.  The risks associated with trying to continue are simply too great.

I guess the Galena Volunteer Fire Department knew what was coming when they pulled the boat around during yesterday's lunch break.

Stats for the day:
Miles ridden - 0
Winds - North, 20-30mph
Rain - Lots


Sarah said...

Stay dry!

Kerry Y said...

As they used to say, keep your powder dry! Hang in there Jenny.