Sunday, May 10, 2009

Day 2 - Edison NJ to Wilmington DE

Windy Day

Getting the weather report.  Not too bad.  70s & winds of 12...
Reality was a bit worse.  70s & winds in the 20s, gusting higher
 as we crossed the Commodore Barry Bridge into Chester, PA.

The days started windy, but not too bad.  The Motors did a great
job leading us out, two by two.

As the motors passed, we riders started out to the
sounds of our own official tour bagpiper.

riders got strung out, with many unable to keep the pace.

Stats for the day:
Miles ridden:  90
Winds: 20-30, cross and headwinds
Riders pulled: too many

1 comment:

padjsd said...

Like the pictures....looking forward to seeing more!