Saturday, March 21, 2015

PUT 2015 - Spring Training ride for OPD

Over the past couple of years I've noticed a trend.  I might be a little over sensitive, but it seems like it only snows on my weekends.  Which would be great for skiing, but not so great to get ready for a 300 mile bike ride in early May.  Good thing I can livestream and watch re-plays of the spring races in Belgium and Italy.
Occasionally though, there's a break in the weather when it's neither snowing, nor blowing, so a good road ride will start with a little hike-a-bike down do the road.
The shoulder's are pretty well plowed, but pretty sandy. 
 And the selfie view of the Continental Divide it pretty nice too.
But the most important part of today's spring training ride is the number on the bike computer.  Today I rode 32.1 miles.  321...not like a countdown 321, but 03/21.  03/21 the date four Oakland Police Officers were killed.  Officer John Hege and Sergeant Mark Dunakin were shot during a traffic stop.  The killer escaped and barricaded himself in an apartment building.  Sergeant's Ervin Romans and Daniel Sakai were killed as they attempted to contact and arrest the suspect.

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