Today we rode 90 some miles from Edison NJ to Wilmington DE. We were in the saddle around 7.5 hours. We started with overcast skies, which cleared, making the whole day a beautiful day for a bike ride. We probably caused hate and discontent for drivers, especially when we got the southbound lanes of the NJ turnpike to ourselves for a few miles this morning and the whole John Barry Bridge this afternoon. For those of you following with the Google Earth Files, the track really should be continuous and we didn't ride off a bridge, my GPS was having some issues.
The ride took us through a number of small communities. The community support was amazing. Local Police departments lined the streets and citizens waved and high-fived from the curb.

With 400 riders to watch out for, I'm grateful for the support crew that consists of general logistical support, EMS and Motors. The Motors have been doing a superb job at traffic control for us. They leap frog ahead of us to close off every conceivable intersection where cars my come through. In closing one intersection, the leap-frogging didn't quite work and three motorcycles were involved in an accident. Fortunately no one was hurt, but it was a close call that reminded us all of the hazards that we face on the road.

The logisitcal support volunteers make sure we are well fed and hydrated at each rest stop and make sure our luggage makes it to the right hotel (and the right room). All the volunteer support members do an outstanding job.

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