The first leg of this year's tour wasn't too long. We rode about 35 miles today. We were shuttled to the start at Morris Township, where we enjoyed a substantial breakfast before attending a memorial service before our departure. I made it a grueling 3 miles before I got a flat tire and had to miss a bit of the riding while changing the tire in the repair trailer. After a quick tube change, I was on the road again. The weather was fantastic and the countryside was beautiful. We rode on to the town of Watchung for the unveiling of a memorial to Officer Matthew Melchionda, who was killed March 8, 2006. We finished the day with a quick cruise into the hotels in Edison.

Stats for the Day:
Miles ridden - 31.2
Miles missed riding in the repair trailer -3
So much for pedalling every darned inch of the ride. Guess I'll have to try again next year.
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