Friday, May 10, 2013

PUT 2013 - Day 2 - Inconvenience

I've learned that the second day of the Police Unity Tour Chapter 1 ride is the one that generates the most voice mail and e-mail of any of the days of the tour...and not in a good way.  Apparently people are inconvenienced in their daily commutes by us riding south through New Jersey.
Yes, we got up at o'dark thirty, got our bags in the luggage trucks by 0530, ate yet another breakfast of runny powdered eggs and bacon and got on our way just as the fog was lifting. 
Yes, we messed up traffic a bit for people's morning commute. 
Yes, we were loud too.  Playing taps at a roadside memorial. 
And yes, we were loud again, playing taps at a NJ State Police Barracks.
 And to add insult to injury, we rode through Burlington Twp NJ, where they took up a bunch of parking spots with the fire truck.
After about 90 miles of riding, including the infamous ascent of the Commodore Barry Bridge, we rode through Chester, PA, delaying the school kids from getting home on time this afternoon.

I suggested that the outgoing voice mail message for the office should be changed to:

"You have reached the Office of the Police Unity Tour.  The 300 mile bike ride to Washington DC probably inconvenienced your commute and/or errands today.  We apologize in advance.  If you would like to leave a further message, please wait while we read the names of the 321 Police Officers killed in the line of duty whose names will be added to the National Law Enforcement Memorial this year..."

The natives of the great state of New Jersey had a different suggestion for the outgoing message...

Stats for the day:
Miles ridden:  94
Hours in the saddle:  7+
Sunburns on this glorious hot day:  a bunch, but no worries, it's gonna rain again tomorrow.

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