Saturday, May 11, 2013

PUT 2013 Day 3 - Weather

A wise friend once said "There's no such thing as bad weather, just poor clothing choices."
 I generally agree, but when the forecast is for rain, wind and lightning for our route through the wide open spaces of the eastern shore of the Chesapeake, I'll agree to disagree.  During the bus trip from our hotel on the outskirts of Wilmington to the start of today's ride, we passed through a sampling of the predicted weather and people were starting to pool money to offer to the driver to take everyone straight to Annapolis.
The rain let up by the time we arrived at the start, but the forecast remained the same and the difficult, but safe and right option for the day was chosen.  Today's ride would be cancelled, and, yes, we would be bussed to Annapolis.
 So we packed up bikes...
And played a little frisbee before packing ourselves into any and all available vehicles and driving to Annapolis.  

A few of us went for a quick jaunt around Annapolis and watched the dark clouds and thunderheads over the area we would have ridden through.

The weather for tomorrow is predicted to be warm and dry.  All of us are looking forward to the ride to the Memorial tomorrow.

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